Coronavirus Presents Unique Project Opportunities
Covid-19 has created unprecedented challenges for facility managers. No one could have planned, predicted, or even imagined how the world has changed since March. What started as “do we have enough hand sanitizer and soap” has morphed into actual conversations on plexiglass dividers, unlimited air exchange, and creating isolation areas. Who ever thought that “deep cleaning” would be discussed on the national news? Planned capital projects, sustainability initiatives, and energy savings have taken a back seat to immediate health issues and providing a safe operating environment.
Over the last few months, I have tried to talk to many decision makers in K-12, Higher Education, and in Health Care. Their stress level is off the charts. Their time is limited and precious. They worry about their own health and their family. Decisions firmly grounded in the best available guidance seem to change daily.

Through all of this, amazingly, many are using this time as an opportunity to plan and implement projects that combine operational improvements needed as part of a Covid response, with improvements that address energy efficiency and long overdue deferred maintenance issues. Some are responding to the intense pressure to reduce spending by tackling energy costs head-on.
But they also tell me they need help. They can’t do this alone.
I spent most of my career managing complex, large facilities with demanding users. These are the times I would reach out for help and allow my internal team to focus on the day-to-day challenges. The energy efficiency providers are an incredible source of resources to help you react, plan, and deliver improvements and cost savings. Yes, it will require some dedicated time from you when time is short. But those hours invested now will deliver results that will give you short term benefit and improvements that will pay off for the next ten years or more.
Add to that the opportunity to accelerate the pace of project delivery due, perhaps, from never to be repeated low utilization rates in your facilities. And you have the perfect opportunity to get into buildings and make improvements.
Sure, the CFO, VP’s, and others will think you are crazy. But, making the argument for some funding, some flexibility, and some creativity will pay off for you and your team for years to come.
Give me a call if you want to talk – about anything. We are here to help.